


In Black Anvil you'll find precious weapons, historical armors, and sacred objects. The only way to keep alive is surviving the fight.

We are a Trading Card Game where you choose a Dæmon and equip it with item cards. Each round is affected by the lunar phases, and the dice roll defines your attack and defense options.

Each card in the game is an NFT, you can create them using the crafting system or buy them directly from the marketplace.

Play for fun, play to evolve

Black Anvil is a community-based card game experience, bringing new mechanics and elements into the traditional card game world.

Summon your dæmon!

Summon your dæmon!

Choose wisely. The dæmon you summon is the one fighting for you. Each one has special skills and attributes.

Choose wisely. The dæmon you summon is the one fighting for you. Each one has special skills and attributes.

Conjure items into the fight!

Conjure items into the fight!

The battlefield is your altar! Use your cards to conjure items and equip the dæmons to bring the battlefield to your knees!

The battlefield is your altar! Use your cards to conjure items and equip the dæmons to bring the battlefield to your knees!

Slice and dice!

Slice and dice!

Roll your dices and use them to gather mana, raise shields and perform powerful attacks. Every turn is an experience.

Roll your dices and use them to gather mana, raise shields and perform powerful attacks. Every turn is an experience.

Follow the tides

Follow the tides

In every turn, the moon phase changes, affecting your gameplay experiences.

In every turn, the moon phase changes, affecting your gameplay experiences.

Craft your Experience

Black Anvil empowers you to craft your own cards. Use them in your deck or trade them in the marketplace. Fight your way to become a legend in the community.

1 - Engage your crafter

Crafters are the hands that mold your creations. Each crafter determines the range of cards you are able to create and deploy.

2 - Create through scrolls

Scrolls are the recipes your crafters use to create. Evolve your crafters, evolve your scrolls, and rule the board.

3 - Use your battle spoils

Receive resources after every match. Use your crafter and scrolls, combine and merge them to create your new cards. Make every deck your own alchemical weapon!

Make your collection shine!

Black Anvil allows you create different albums and showcase them to the world.

Completing pre-defined collections grants you exclusive badges that will appear in your profile.

The market is always open

Your work must be worth something, naturally. Trade your crafted cards in the marketplace, say your price, create packs and manage offers.

The market uses web3 tech to organically build a sustainable economic environment, allowing the player to buy and sell his cards and packs using cryptocurrencies. Every card is unique, minted as an NFT so that players can praise the creators, see previous owners, and set the valuations.

Your Glory is Awaiting

We would like to reward the honored ones that joined us early in the development with a great starter pack. Apply for the raffle.


Pre-register and apply to win a booster.

Join the Tavern

We believe that a community-based game is stronger in every way. Even more if considered that your content will play a part in the experience, the market, and the universe of the game.

Be our guest to write, share art, tell your stories, and join the devs in the creative process. Who knows what might come around the corner?

Animus goes beyond pure gameplay entertainment: we believe that games can cause deep reflections about our existence. The character in a game is a facet of the player in a different universe from what he is used to.